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Prospective Scholars

Scholar selection

  1. Interested students should submit (1) their preliminary plan of study in the format below, (2) a statement (250 words maximum) explaining why they want to be a Scholar, and (3) a current resume.
  2. Scholars will eventually select a mentor faculty member, but this is not a requirement for initial acceptance into the program.
  3. A panel of mentors and Scholars will review applications and select new Scholars. We anticipate selecting around 20 Scholars each year.

Scholar responsibilities and assessment

  1. Scholars are expected to make a good-faith effort to contribute to the program through activities such as providing feedback to their peers, attending peer presentations and serving on application review panels.
  2. Scholars must maintain a 3.0 GPA and continue to make acceptable progress in the program.
  3. Scholar progress will be assessed based on the preliminary plan and the learning outcomes for each program area. Measures for this assessment will include deliverables such as the research report, completion of coursework and other activities, and annual mentor feedback.

Program logistics (for Scholars)

  1. Coursework may not be double-counted for more than one area of the program. For example, a 3-credit course in Innovation Abroad could satisfy either the Entrepreneurship or Global dimension areas, but not both.
  2. Scholars may work on similar topics as long as each completes the program components independently.

Program logistics (for mentors)

  1. This program is designed to use existing resources at Clemson. Courses and activities are existing and faculty participation will be considered in workload reporting as a contribution to teaching, research, and service responsibilities (whichever is most relevant for that involvement).